Saturday June 15th 2019

By June 14, 2019Workout of the Day


3-6 minutes of CARs.
Pick your top three areas of need and perform one minute per area.

Followed by…

Every 30 seconds, for 3 minutes (3 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Static Hang x 30 seconds
Interval 2 – Jumping Air Squats (touch your pull-up bar) x 20 seconds

Followed by…

Every 30 seconds, for 2 minutes (2 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Single-Arm DB Thrusters x 30 seconds effort (15 seconds per arm)
Interval 2 – Hand Plank Shoulder Taps x 30 reps


In 15 minutes, complete the following:
Run 800 Meters
immediately followed by as many rounds and reps as possible of:
10 Air Squats
15 Kettlebell Swings
20 Kettlebell Deadlifts

Rest exactly 5 minutes, and when the running clock reaches 20:00 . . .

In 15 minutes, complete the following:
Run 800 Meters
immediately followed by as many rounds and reps as possible of:
10 Dumbbell Squat Clean + Thrusters (55/35 lbs)
10 Toes to Bar

Boom Fitness